Lawn Care Tools!

This post is sponsored by Toro, but as always the opinions posted here are my own.

 Summer is FINALLY almost here, which means we are spending the next few weeks “spring cleaning” and getting our yard spruced up! We love entertaining and having friends over, and typically the first thing you see when you get to someone's house is their yard! We have been wanting a striping mower for a while now, so we have teamed up with Toro to try out some of their products! We decided to go with the 60V Max Stripe mower as well as the Brushless String Trimmer. We loved that you could use the same battery for both these tools and you never have to worry about getting gas (or smelling like it!!) 

Let's look at some of the features of the two products we received! 

First up, the 60V Max Stripe mower is 25% lighter than other battery powered mowers, which makes it easy to push through the yard! You can also customize your speed with an adjustable speed control knob. This mower also offers SmartStow which makes it easy to fold, lock, clean and store, saving up to 70% of your valuable garage space!! 

The brushless string trimmer can use the same battery as the mower, which makes it so easy to switch between jobs! The battery can last up to 50 minutes and is so lightweight but super durable! 

These items are super easy to find. It's as easy as clicking here where you can also get $20 off on a handheld tool.BUT, now is your chance to WIN your very own summer of stripes! Use my code: KATIE when entering and you can double your chances!! I can’t wait to see who wins! 

Click the image to shop and enter the sweepstakes!

Katie Rankin